Professional Parking Lot Repair Services
in New Mexico
Parking Lot Paving, Repair, & Striping
When it comes to the parking lot of your business, there are 3 main areas of concern: parking lot paving, parking lot repair, and parking lot striping.
Northern Paving & Excavation is equipped and trained to handle all of them with professionalism and care, so you can stop worrying about your parking lot and get back to business.
Parking lot paving in New Mexico
Paving your parking lot does more than just keep the outside of your business looking nice. It keeps your employees, clients, and customers safe.
Parking lots are paved with either asphalt or concrete. There are exceptions, but in general concrete is used in the southern part of the United States, while northern states use asphalt. Concrete parking lots tend to cost more up front, but because asphalt parking lots require more maintenance, the cost difference ends up being neutral.
While concrete parking lots can last up to 20 years, they need routine maintenance every 2-3 years. Asphalt parking lots tend to need more maintenance and are less durable than concrete lots. Businesses that expect a lot of heavy traffic should consider concrete parking lot paving for its durability.
Parking lot repair
It’s not uncommon for parking lots to need repair, paving & striping, which can be done as part of your business’s routine maintenance. Parking lot repair projects include filling cracks and potholes. Whether you need your entire parking lot repaired or just some trouble spots, Northern Paving & Excavation can take care of your needs and keep your employees and clients safe.
Parking lot striping
Parking lot striping and marking tells cars where to park, where not to park, where to turn, and which way traffic flows. Parking lot striping needs to be done up to emergency and fire codes, and it also needs to be ADA compliant, no matter what your business is. Whether you’re working on a new parking lot for your business, or your current lot just needs to be updated, you can trust Northern Paving & Excavation for parking lot paving in New Mexico.
Once the parking lot paving, repair, or striping has been completed, you’ll need to keep cars and trucks off it for a period of time. We recommend keeping traffic off the newly repaired or paved parking lot for at least 3 days in the summer and a full 7 days in the winter.
Our New Mexico paving and excavation office in Albuquerque, NM, can take on projects in Taos, Los Lunas, Belen, Albuquerque, Moriarty, Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Espanola, Raton, Farmington, Las Vegas, NM, and other nearby cities in the Land of Enchantment.
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